Art deco survivor
Aircraft Hangar, Chicago Midway Airport

Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish
1. One Tired Mono-Amorist.
Funny story: There's this guy named Viktor Korchnoi...he came up in the late 40s and early 50s with the Spassky generation of bright young Soviet chessplayers. He got to grandmaster level around the time my dad graduated from college, and if we're honest about it, was probably the best player in the world or close to it in the mid-60s.
I remember fondly one conversation I had a few years back with Boris Spassky. We were discussing 'THE' Victor Korchnoi ('Victor the Terrible' to many).
Boris and Victor had been bitter adversaries for more than 40 years at the time of this conversation, and they had played more than 60 times in official competitions..(including 2 candidates finals)... only Karpov can boast to have played Victor more times.
Boris, at one point, came up with the incredible statement that Korchnoi had every quality necessary to become world champion BUT lacked ONE very essential quality...and it was precisely this quality that prevented him from attaining chess' highest title.
I coaxed Boris on...He began to list Korchnoi's many qualities:
...Killer Instinct (nobody can even compare with Victor's 'gift')
...Phenomenal capacity to work (both on the board and off the board)
...Iron nerves (even with seconds left on the clock)
...Ability to Calculate (maybe only Fischer was better in this department)
...Tenacity and perseverance in Defense (unmatched by anyone)
...The ability to counterattack (unrivaled in chess history)
...Impeccable Technique (Flawless, even better than Capa's)
...Capacity to concentrate (unreal)
..Impervious to distractions during the game
...Brilliant understanding of strategy
...Superb tactician (only a few in history can compare with Victor)
...Possessing the most profound opening preparation of any GM of his generation
...Subtle Psychologist
...Super-human will to win (matched only by Fischer)
...Deep knowledge of all of his adversaries
...Enormous energy and self-discipline
Then Boris stopped, and just looked at me, begging for me to ask the question that needed to be asked....
I asked: 'But, Boris, what does Victor lack to become world champion?'
Boris' answer floored me:
''He has no chess talent !''
And then he roared with laughter...
Labels: chess
Ultra-nice guy and travel nerd Rick Steves donates $1 million to the Edmonds Arts Center, calling on other wealthy individuals to give the equivalent of their tax breaks. Rick Steves is a righteous dude.
During our UK trip I had to concede one day to the generic Tourist Tour - Stonhenge (mobbed), Bath (mobbed), and along the way...Salisbury Cathedral.
Santorum: GOP not anti-science, just Pro-God.
Arctic to be alive with blimps.
It's too good. The Barro piece in the WSJ was an embarrassment, Krugman calls him on it.
[W]hy, exactly, are we supposed to have such faith in “regular economics”? What is the compelling evidence that the vision of a competitive, efficient economy allocating resources to the right uses is actually a good description of the world we live in?
I mean, it’s a lovely model, and one I, like everyone else in economics, use a lot. But I would not have said that it’s a model backed by lots of evidence. We do know that demand curves generally slope down; it’s a lot harder to give good examples of supply curves that slope up (as a textbook author, believe me, I’ve looked); and it’s a very long way from there to the vision of Pareto efficiency and all that which Barro wants us to take as the true economics. Realistically, imperfect competition, market failure, and more are everywhere.
The Guardian's favorite albums reviews hits one of mine: Billy Bragg's Life's a Riot with Spy vs. Spy.
It helps, of course, that unusually for a polemicist, Bragg was always much more attuned to the mysteries of the human heart than he was versed in political theory. To some critics the love songs made him seem sentimental, but he openly embraced the natural conflict between political and personal on one of the greatest pop songs every written, A New England, and, elsewhere, was able to craft songs of such stark, self-lacerating beauty that they seemed to brook no argument. As he used to joke at gigs, The Man in the Iron Mask was the song that his fiercest, angriest, Trotskyist critics would ask him to play, on the sly.
According to a Princeton Review study:
Dr. Kapital tweets:
The National Palace Museum is holding a remarkable exhibition around the works of Huang Gonwang, the immensely influential landscape artist of the late Song Dynasty.
When subjected to atomic bombings, Imperial Japan surrendered. Now, that narrative is under new scrutiny.
Dr. Kapital tweets:
Dr. Kapital tweets:
The Feds and four states including California join civil suits on multi-billion dollar student loan and recruitment fraud at the 45 Goldman Sachs-owned Art Institutes and numerous other EMC owned for-profit schools. Among these, Educational Management Corp owns Art Institute of Seattle and the Academy of Art in San Francisco.
Rushing out of a client meeting yesterday afternoon, I ran down the street looking for a cab out to Midway airport so I could grab some dinner and fly home. And as I raised my arm, I realized I was standing in front of the Art Institute of Chicago.
I hate it when my vacation time is interrupted by rioting, ungrateful peasants, don't you? Of course he didn't need to rush back, the government was "fully in control," he just decided to.
Dr. Kapital tweets:
And not the eye of some monstrous intergalactic predator intent on our destruction. Probably not that. I think.
David Frum's Sontag moment.
Imagine, if you will, someone who read only the Wall Street Journal editorial page between 2000 and 2011, and someone in the same period who read only the collected columns of Paul Krugman. Which reader would have been better informed about the realities of the current economic crisis? The answer, I think, should give us pause. Can it be that our enemies were right?
The greed and maliciousness of the Republican Party leadership is inexcusable. They are without remorse, without empathy, without honor. They will speak any combination of words, with total indifference to the truth, that that they think will deflect the blame from them for the continuing economic and political damage to the United States of America. They are bereft even of the simplest, genuine feelings of patriotism, because they have with willful ignorance confused the idea of destroying liberals and progressives, with love and sacrifice for their country and their countrymen.
1. Business Dealings
Dr. Kapital tweets: