Dear Saruman: Downturn

Dear Notarockstar,
I also have forseen that there will be no dawn for men. Between fresh armies of Uruk-Hai and the unstoppable might of Isengard, the fools will taste their folly in the blood in their broken mouths. And the rising power in the East will turn the cities of Men as ashes to be washed down the Anduin to the Great Sea. But do not despair. You have elected the way of wisdom!
You speak of the unrealized potential of the world - you too feel the power of the glory of knowledge that shall arise, and sense the means that we must take firm and fast in our grip! Yes, you can sense it, can you not? The ceaseless gravity of the Ring- and we shall recover it. All will become clear: how you may save yourself, and of course the race of Men, for the new order of the Maiar who were wise enough to embrace its power. We shall unmake the ancient wrongs of Illuvitar, and make manifest the radiant world of knowledge. Join me, and Arda will be made anew!
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