True athletes
More on this later, but dancers are hard core. Proof here.
Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish
The 49ers have one involuntary event before training camp – a minicamp from June 17-19. Will Davis attend the mandatory camp? He offered an answer that was expertly vague. “I might be there,” he said, smiling. “I might not. It’s mandatory. I probably should be there. We’ll see.”
Well darn it, I overlooked the 2012 passing of James Moseley, the man behind Saucer Smear, and the author of at least one major UFO prank.
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I can kill you whenever I damn well please. But not today. |
If the first element of the compound ends in a tricky cluster and the second element also starts with another, you might get a monster like slechtstschrijvend, with nine consecutive consonants, representing seven consonant sounds. Admittedly, this is the kind of barely-a-word mostly used to flummox foreigners (it means "the worst writing"). But as such, it is best-in-class.
As is commonly agreed upon among the be-pantsed social orders, all of us find cash that we left in our other pants- or purse, shirt pocket or jacket, as the case may be. Let us say with speculative guess authority that the average person has $15 tucked accidentally somewhere in the crease of the fold of something that they were sure was just here but is, in fact, there. In America alone, that adds up to 4.5 Billion dollars, worldwide, let's say on the order of $45 Billion.
"The NRA from now on will be known as NAMGLA, the National Man-Gun Love Association. That is all."
Fascinating. Most Common Languages Spoken in the US after Spanish --
— Robert Kim, Investor (@journik) May 27, 2014
More than 400,000 digital images of works from the collection are now available to download.
— metmuseum (@metmuseum) May 19, 2014
FBI director backtracks on earlier comments that he's cool with hiring potsmoking hackers
— Boing Boing (@BoingBoing) May 22, 2014
One of my favorite books is a treasured 1996 reprint of Kevin Brownlow's 1968 history of the silent movie era, The Parade's Gone By... Written when Brownlow was in his 20s, it is nevertheless of the highest quality, full of crisp, luminous black & white photos and interviews with some of the biggest stars of the era, from Gloria Swanson to Buster Keaton. These people were still around in the 60s, and Brownlow tracked them down and got them to talk. I was going to say it the book is a neglected masterpiece, but actually it's still in print, and in-stock at Amazon, so there you go.
Have a look at this chart. Was the problem:
I did not even know there was an International Ammunition Association.
Texas asks a lot of questions, has a worrisome level of interest in crystal meth, and probably a sore that should be looked at by doctor...
No, I haven't forgotten either. I did an abstract painting related to her story, a girl like so many other intelligent and morally committed young people in the Northwest, and how a small place in a pointless cycle of willful injury and suffering swallowed her up under the treads of a bulldozer. Sure she was radical. Sure she endangered herself, like an unarmed man stands in front of a column of government tanks in Tienanmen square. The campaign to discredit her was and is morally revolting. Everyone I've met who knew her loved her and admired her.
ONION: As soon as he realized what was happening, Parker sprung into action, attempting to rescue the evening with amusing childhood anecdotes...
Who is Jay-Z? Why is he in the news?
— Harold Pollack (@haroldpollack) May 12, 2014
Great to know our national monuments can only be repaired with the generous assistance of billionaires. Remember who's running the country, people.
An astonishing stat: "share of campaign contributions made by top 0.01% of voting age population is now over 40%."
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) May 13, 2014
A few observations after listening to this 1942 episode of The Burns and Allen Show (link):
How am I supposed to explain the NFL's ambivalent attitude towards concussions to my kids?
— Justin Megahan (@justinrmegahan) May 11, 2014
I read things like, "I'm glad my son wasn't there to see that," and I conclude, "Because I'm no good at explaining things."
— Ray Ratto (@RattoCSN) May 10, 2014
Congratulations to @MikeSamFootball on being the first openly professional football player in the gay community.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) May 10, 2014
Browns owner Jimmy Haslam was walking through the streets of Cleveland when a homeless man recognized him, looked up, and said, “Draft Manziel.”
Ratto: "It's throbbing with ennui. Nothing's happening."
Neil deGrasse Tyson sees no point to philosophy: “Why are you wasting your time?” (link)
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
We don’t live the lives we were meant to by merrily shoving Artificially Fried Chicken Flavored Dorito Slurpees down our gullets while watching our societies crumble.
I can’t stress this enough: You’re not supposed to shoot this many long 2s and still have good percentages. For every other player in every other league in the entire world, the long 2-pointer is the worst shot in basketball. But it’s not if you’re Dirk Nowitzki. He was the second best in the league at shooting from 10-23 feet last season, but the even more amazing part is in the “attempts” column — he took nearly 10 a game. Well more than half his shots were long 2s. Unlike the rest of the planet, Nowitzki is so uncannily accurate that he can dominate games this way.