Palin on Stevens: "I Have Great Respect for the Senator, and his Voice Needs to Be Heard Across America."
Background: 2o Minutes of Sarah Palin associating with indicted Ted Stevens in a conspiracy to do oil companies' bidding.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish
Background: 2o Minutes of Sarah Palin associating with indicted Ted Stevens in a conspiracy to do oil companies' bidding.
"Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them." --Erwin Rommel
Three years ago, I wrote a long post based on Katrina's dangerous trajectory, which I deleted. The post basically said that I had the impression of indifference and lack of urgency on the part of the Bush government, that they didn't act like they understood the astonishing amount of energy about to hit a major american city, New Orleans. I thought it was so serious that they should immediately deploy all available military and perhaps declare martial law so people would have to leave. I deleted it because rereading it it felt extreme. Surely, I thought, they're not that incompetent.
FEMA Deputy Administrator Harvey Johnson said Friday he anticipated a "huge number" of Gulf Coast residents will be told to leave the region this weekend.
Gustav is rolling in and alarms should be sounded in New Orleans.
My doubts had been building over the past few weeks as to whether Obama had the toughness and tenacity to win this election.
This is the best speech of the convention. Finally somebody gets down to the necessary business of stripping the paint off of John McCain.
McCain supports drilling, even at the burial in Simi Valley, California, where they're going for Ronald Reagan's hair.
So far, a good convention, and props to Hillary Clinton for the right barn-burner at the right moment. Where was this Hillary years ago? Marks off only for the distinct whiff of personal movement maintenance.
Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montanna has my respect for a)fire and metal against big oil, and b) waking everyone up after Mark Warner.
When the nation needs fire and metal, Mark Warner offers toast and jam.
VECO-the oil lobby's muscles- calls Senator Tubes, who calls Dick Cheney to call to lobby the Alaska Legislature. From Newsweek. Why? To push a notorious give-away deal on the gas line for BP. Every buddy wins!
NYT: "A 'socially responsible' mutual fund was found to have invested in companies involved in weapons, alcohol and tobacco. "
A commenter at TPM gave a link to this photo of a billboard to welcome people attending the Republican Conventions.
I've got to hand it to TPM for saving us a lot of bloggery.
Q: Senator, regarding the criminal indictment, I understand-
A: Oh no, not again.
Q: Yeah, I'm sorry, well you have to be accountable to your constituents. You don't have to refuse to talk about these actions you took. You choose to to protect yourself. Don't you think you should be accountable to the people who elected you regardless of your legal predicament? Either you took expensive gifts from Allen and Pico or you didn't. Who would know better at whether you took a cabinet full of tools, a gas grill, or traded a 35 year old car for a $44,000 one. So did you or didn't you?
A: [host] I'm not sure we can get an answer on that.
Q: Well, how about letting the Senator answer.
A: [Stevens] Why don't you go talk to the FBI, ask them that question, will you please, thanks again. Goodbye.
Q: I think you should be accountable to us, sir.
A: Goodbye, goodbye
I must report my utter, abject failure to kick the fantasy football habit.
I know that I suffer from what's called "The uncanny valley"
Will the Seahawks sign Justin Forsett, the Terrier?
To fully comprehend what Justin Forsett was able to do in the second half and overtime period Saturday night, it helps to compare his numbers with the rest of the Seahawks and the entire Bears team:
Forsett Seahawks Bears All-purpose yards 261 367 385 Rushing yards 136 105 51 Kickoff return yards 70 80 105 Punt return yards 4 0 75
Do I worry that McCain's moved up a couple points in the tracking polls, sort of, while O was on vacation? Would I in my heart prefer Barack call for impeachment and promise sweeping war crimes trials? Do I want McCain's adultery front and center, with a endless parade of witnesses? Am I itching to have Cindy McCain face off Mothers Against Drunk Drivers? I have an impulse to all these things but that's not really the point.
"Democrats, because we've burned in the last few elections, get nervous and skittish right around this time," Obama said. "They say, 'oh no, here the Republicans come - they're so mean and they're going to be doing all these things. Obama is a funny name and who knows what they're going to do.' "
The audience laughed nervously.
"So keep your stress to a minimum," he instructed them.
Thanks to modern, space-age translation technologies at last the truth can be told.
Julia Child. Anti-Nazi spy.
Although the totals are relatively small, political contributions from active military deployed abroad are going for Obama, 6:1.
You may be surprised to discover the contemporary kerfuffle over a long overdue rejection of excessive, habitual vibrato in orchestral music.
Poll: Barack Obama leads John McCain by 5 points in the hitherto extremely Republican State of Alaska.
After about a year of fleshing out the idea and getting some interest, the WWII B-17 bomber sculpture concept reached a new point with UW lending me a small work/studio in the old metal shop to start building the large model for the sculpture, which will alone require some time to prepare: A nice leap of faith considering I am brand new to working with metal, let alone the elements of engineering.
As delighted as I am to rage against the bastards, an anger that only deepens with every passing day that feeds this soul-killing, omnivorous and inexhaustible greed, this essay from a reader at TPM bears reading.
This year, I am not listening to the pundits or even my fellow bloggers all that much. I am listening mostly to eighteen and nineteen year olds who just want to cut the crap and finally see something get accomplished in politics. Because I am beginning to understand that they are wiser than I am.
There are more gorillas than we thought; a lot more.
From: Alan Garnly, Deputy Mayor, Tilton, Washington
I read a while back that the oldest joke was from Mesopotamia - hey it's funny enough today. This one went:
Funny I suppose, if you're standing next right next to the man with the power to disembowel you.
The king is about to have his hair cut, and all the while the Barber is chatting away. Then the Barber asks "how would you like your hair cut?," and the king says "In silence."
.Academics have compiled a list of the most ancient gags and the oldest, harking back to 1900BC, is a Sumerian proverb from what is now southern Iraq.
"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
Hmm- that's not terrible. It's better than the haircut joke. And told while drunk on mead by a good friend - hilarious.
I like this 1100 year old joke. It's format- so deep in the language that it is a little off-putting to modern ears- does not betray it's solid foundation. This is a good dirty joke, and it actually contains one of my favorite structures - setting you up for a nasty, sticky dirty joke with an adorably clean closer.The oldest British joke dates back to the 10th Century, and uses the traditional question and answer format to suggestively poke fun at Anglo-Saxon men.
"What hangs at a man's thigh and wants to poke the hole that it's often poked before? A key."
"Jokes have varied over the years, with some taking the question and answer format while others are witty proverbs or riddles," said Dr Paul McDonald, who led the study by academics at the University of Wolverhampton.
"What they all share, however, is a willingness to deal with taboos and a degree of rebellion."
As today, world leaders make good foils for ancient humour, particularly Egyptian pharaohs, as shown by this 1600BC joke:
"How do you entertain a bored pharaoh? Sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile - and urge the pharaoh to go fishing."
The problem with this joke is that the pharoah probably did that last week.
One Roman jape dating back to the 1st Century BC details the Emperor Augustus touring his realm and coming across a man who bears a striking resemblance to himself.
Intrigued, he asks the man: "Was your mother at one time in service at the palace?"
The man replies: "No your highness, but my father was."