What are you using your extra engineers for?

The IBM 701, the company's first scientific computer, introduced in 1952.
Tip of the hat to: The Slide Rule Museum
Fools swear they wise, wise men know they foolish
Matt Damon to accept lifetime achievement award. Does this mean it's too late for me to watch Goodwill Hunting?
In Sacramento a few years ago, wandering around between appointments, I come across the brooding figure of Sun Yat Sen.
...its sculptor well those passions readHow apt, I remember thinking, The Republic of China is really just a fiction now, and already his deeds are washed away. China has always said Taiwan is its rightful possession, and now most of Taiwan's allies, however friendly, agree. I put the sad story out of my mind, and went on.
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandius, King of Kings,
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
[Mao] had long thought that the struggle for a new China was an anti-imperialist struggle. The Nationalists in 1923 were anti-imperialist. Indeed, the issue was the logical - maybe the sole - common denominator among the emerging triangle of Sun-Moscow-CCP. Mao was in favor of the broadest possible array of Chinese strata against the foreign mauling of China.Dr. Sun surely agreed, but he ran out of time. In 1925, as he tried once again to organize peace talks to unify the country under one national government, he died of liver cancer at the Rockefeller Hospital in Beijing.
Only to wanderers can come
Ever new the shock of beauty,
Of white cloud and red cloud dawning from the sea,
Of spring in the wild-plum and river-willow....
I watch a yellow oriole dart in the warm air,
And a green water- plant reflected by the sun.
Suddenly an old song fills
My heart with home, my eyes with tears.
- Du Shenyan
Lotta action in the Eisengeiste FF league -- just a week in, and already 17 moves. Visanthe Shiancoe, Ted Ginn Jr, Dallas defense, Chad Ocho Cinco, Knowshon Moreno, Glen Coffee, and Tim Hightower have all been involved in multiple moves. The competition this year has already stepped up a couple of notches.
Dear Senator Murkowski,
Welcome back to TMQ, and we hope your editor gets out of prison soon. From today's piece:
You probably think of Titans quarterback Kerry Collins as someone whose foul-ups in his personal life early in his career prevented him from ever achieving his promise. Dig this: If Collins throws for 3,159 yards this season -- he threw for 2,676 a season ago -- he would pass Joe Montana on the all-time passing list.Actually, Collins has already passed Montana - he has 5,669 career attempts vs. 5,391 for Joe Cool. So, more attempts, fewer yards, and he has 179 interceptions to Montana's 139. His career passer rating is 73.8 vs. Montana's 92.3, and his IAYPA is 5.0 vs. Montana's 6.2.
Interesting online exhibit of photo tampering through history is here, with plenty of American examples.
I discover my photographic death.
Do I exist?
I am a little black,
I am a little white,
I am a little shit,
On Fidel's vest.
Labels: Seahawks fans cannot be cured
And now, some snark on the Eisengeiste League FF draft:
In 629 a Chinese Buddhist monk named Xuanzan (pr. Shwan-dzang) decided to go to India. An avid student of the scriptures, he became convinced that the Chinese texts were corrupted or incomplete, and determined that he would go back to the source of Buddhism, educate himself, and do what he could to sort things out.
Taxila was above 2000 li in circuit, the capital being above 10 li in circuit. The chiefs were in a state of open feud, the royal family being extinguished; the country had formerly been subject to Kapisa but now it was dependency of Kashmir; it had a fertile soil and bore good crops, with flowing streams and luxuriant vegetation; the climate was genial; and the people, who were plucky, were adherents of Buddhism. Although the monasteries were numerous, many of them were desolate, and the Brethren, who were very few, were all Mahayanists.Apparently the British were using his distance estimates in Afghanistan well into the 19th century, because they were better than anything else they had. Pretty good, considering he made those estimates in the time of King Arthur. This article describes how modern archaeologists have made use of his account to make new discoveries.
The King of the Law in establishing the principles of his doctrine, designed them for universal diffusion. Moreover, China is a highly civilized country where the people have a high standard of behavior, the Emperor is sagacious, and his ministers are loyal, and the father is kind to his son, while the son is filial to his father. Kindness and righteousness are esteemed and the aged and wise are respected.After his return he wielded tremendous influence. He spent the rest of his life translating and interpreting texts, and founded the important but short-lived Fa-Hsiang school. The great flaw in the school, from a popularity standpoint, was that in his travels and debates, Xuanzang had concluded that (in the words of historian Sally Wriggins) "not everyone had the Buddha nature ... not everyone could attain salvation." This made it tough to recruit when Pure Land disciples were saying everyone could be saved, and you didn't even have to go to the monastery to do it.
Netflix recommends The Battle of Algiers "because you enjoyed:
Terrell Owens injured, so will not be available for Buffalo's big game with the Minnesota Favre-ee-Favres.
The Wikipedia coverage of the Shakespeare authorship problem is breath-taking. Here are the key articles:
The early 60s are back in, and SF Gate is on the case.
What with business commitments, family obligations, academic work, and multiple personality disorder, I don't have much time to watch movies anymore. Shocking, I know. But last night I made time for Edmond Pang's 2006 melodrama, Isabella. I'm glad I did.
Um, this is addressed to those Democrats who are not Barack Obama.
Boeing is forced to stop construction of the 787. The company shed thousands of Seattle-area jobs for an essentially ideological faith in outsourcing, which resulted in parts (like wings) that didn't fit, years of delays, and loss of orders. Had they listened to the unions, had they stood by their spirit of the tax agreement they had with Washington State, this Franken-sourcing fiasco might have been avoided.
A lumber carrier hijacked by pirates one week, is recovered by the crew, and disappears the next week, yet to be found. The line in the story that catches my attention: "Russia has drafted in all its vessels in the Atlantic to help with the search."
San Francisco, underneath a gossamer thin veneer of granola is in fact, a two-fisted drinking town, a place of oversized martinis, silver zeppelins overloaded with bleeding slabs of meat, restaurants you could call "institutions" that defiantly refuse to suck, and in an ever tidier, cleaner, Disneyfied world--where even New York's Times Square looks like a theme park, still, a delightfully nasty, dirty, beautiful, carnivorous, vice-filled town.
A few days ago, I was wracking my brain to come up with a new fantasy football team name. Though the Earmarky Marks represents a proud tradition, I needed to find something new and topical, that expresses the spirit in which I will compete in the upcoming season: Death Panel.
With 31 Republicans (including John McCain) voting their consciences, Ms. Sotomayor has been confirmed and sworn in as a justice of the Supreme Court. Credit to the nine Republicans who voted for an obviously qualified candidate.
In a world of authoritarian regimes, it can be difficult to tell whether one is simply dealing with a pragmatic dictator doing the best he can in the service of a nation that is (for whatever reason) not suited to representative government, or a genuine monster.
Palin: Obama's "Death Panel" Could Kill My Down Syndrome Baby
The New York Times (online) needs to be given some sort of award for this bit of genius:
I've sent invites to the team managers from last year, but we've got plenty of room for any Eisengeisters who want to join. If interested, please send me email:
Sandra is talking. I know this cause her lips are moving and she's saying--overtly anyway, nice things. Like "You're a very naughty man," and she's chatting amiably with my wife. But one hand is picking over me like the meat buyer at Peter Luger selecting a rib section--like some demonic bird of prey is poking and prodding, deciding where the weakest, most tender point of entry is...
"In a fusillade of pique, Ohio Sen. George Voinovich (R) charged that Southerners are what's wrong with the Republican Party...
Someone seems to have gotten the impression that this is a liberal blog, and yes, I suppose it is liberal, if by liberal you mean in the sense of liberty with human values, opposed to all forms of dictatorship, be they fascist, communist, or religionist. We do favor job training for the unemployed, medical care for sick people, and a society in which basic civil rights are respected. But we are implacably opposed to dictatorship in all its forms.
The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their Houses, and Farms, are to be pillaged and destroyed, and they consigned to a State of Wretchedness from which no human efforts will probably deliver them.Red Dawn covered the Russian invasion fantasy world pretty well, I thought. Even though consensus says the threat has passed , you can still get the t-shirt. That's probably safer than the flamethrower, anyway...
The fate of unborn Millions will now depend, under God, on the Courage and Conduct of this army -- Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect -- We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world.
Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions -- The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for LIBERTY on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.
For drawing excitement, RUN, don't walk, to find the Stabilo All 8008, a silky smooth, all surface (paper, metal, glass) watersoluable graphite pencil which also allows you to brush soft grays into a drawing with a watercolor brush, such as a small sumi. The combination of erasibility, ease, painting suitability and pencil precision in a graphite pencil genuinely amazed me!
"That's a bald-faced lie, Senator, and you're a bald-faced liar...you know what you are sir, we're arguing about the price." (link)
The latest brilliant Republican tactic: disrupt healthcare town meetings. Here's The Playbook. Dancing this jig for the drug companies is really scary to watch - the Republicans are caught in an incredible vortex of freak show suck. But don't worry, it's working!
The Large Hadron Collider, the massive particle accelerator built to isolate the Higgs-Boson particle and other theoretical subatomic doohickeys, is having trouble starting up. What is the cause?
In heavy rotation at our house, Rita Moreno does 'Fever' with an...unusual...accompaniment.
Cobralaska? It's #4 on the list of '5 Cobra Commander Terror Plots That Might Actually Work'.
And, on the 50th anniversary of Qantas' entry into the jet age, we present this mural...of a never-ending line of black 747s hovering menacingly above an Eden-like Aboriginal homeland.
He did hard time. He gave up millions in wages. He lost his shoe contract.